Social Development

  • Limited interaction with others
  • Lack of developmentally appropriate peer relationships
  • Lack of spontaneously sharing of enjoyment, interests, or achievements
  • Lack of social or emotional reciprocity
  • Ineffective eye contact, facial expressions, body postures, and gestures
  • Does not show objects of interests to others, or seek to involve others in play


  • Delayed or lack in development of vocal language
  • Impairment in imitation or maintenance of conversation
  • Stereotyped and repetitive language or idiosyncratic language
  • No or few words or gestures
  • No contextual conversation
  • Repeated phrases, echolalia, or preoccupation with topics

Stereotyped Responses

  • Persistent preoccupation with parts of objects (i.e. playing with wheels, or same toys over and over without variation)
  • Stereotyped repetitive body movements (body rocking, hand flapping, etc)
  • Tantrums or self-injuries when a routine is not followed precisely
  • Hand-flapping, finger-twisting, complex body movements
  • Gazing at moving lights, listening to sounds, stimulus over selectivity
  • Preservative staring at play items or discussions
  • Looking at objects from an atypical angle

For more information on Autism Spectrum Disorder, please visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention web page.

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